3 Things Sexy Seducing Women

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Merayu (Foto: woman Corbis)
Seduce women (Photo: Corbis)
EVEN seem trivial, perkaran seduce someone is not easy. If you want to successfully cast a lure for couples, this is the trick jitunya.
Women are basically very fond of flattery. Although impressed brag, but seduction becomes a powerful way to melt at once won the hearts of the couple. You also can make for smooth seduction sexual desire you to him. If interested in trying, Shine to expose the tip for you.

- Women need foreplay session longer than men. This is because they think that sex is not just a purely physical release. Yes, even if physical release is very good to make a woman orgasm, but for women it would be better if sex linked emotional side so that the resulting satisfaction is much more leverage. Well, you c ould make this session as a forum to seduce him.

The problem, men often do not realize this need and do not understand how to make sex meaningful to their wives. The reason is, men generally consider the agenda as a form of expression of love sex so it does not need to re-intimacy as an introduction to sex.

One way to seduce your wife is letting it know how much you love her. Just tell him how much you love her face, hands, sexy curve of her calves, and so on. Tell him that you also love his kindness and his warm smile. Notice the things that make you first fell in love with him and express all that you are very interested in it until today.

- Another way to seduce is to add romance to your day. It is very good to improve the "mood" sexually than you are spending a lot of money. Occasionally, just leave love notes on her dressing table or pour a drink and brought him a plate of snacks when she came home from work.

- Another imp ortant thing to do if you want to seduce the wife, ie, start having sex by touching the hands, arms, face, neck, and back again before you perform erotic acts as the main menu. In general, women require heating before sex. The way they like to touch her intimately and gently. Touched and kissed him softly on the lips of the wife will show that you love her. Guaranteed, his heart would have melted.

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