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DEAR Mom & Kiddie , why yes my daughter Ghea (6) almost every school leaving are always complaining of pain stomach? Consequently pick Ghea school must wait until after bowel movements.
Frankly this is quite a hassle. When the shower every morning I asked if he wanted a bowel movement, he always said no. I am so confused, what happened to my child? Please advice. Thank you.
- Ingrid Santosa, Simprug - Jakarta
/> Roslina Verauli, M, Psi from Cottage Hospital beautifully said, before thinking of abdominal pain related to the moment your child off to school before coming car pool, let's find out first condition physically.
Search the complaint is actually
First of all, d istinguish complaints of abdominal pain and the desire for bowel movements. Children age 6 years should have understood well the difference. Try to monitor, how many times a day children can SECTION. Then, observe the hours of his Chapter. Was it after breakfast or before.
Chapter in the morning will be easier after drinking water or after breakfast. Because of these activities helped to facilitate the movement of intestinal peristalsis CHAPTER thereafter. Note also the shape of his Chapter, whether liquid, somewhat watery, or looks like most adults.
A number of people who are very depressed, experiencing conditions such as diarrhea or Chapter with a somewhat liquid form or liquid. For complaints CHAPTER, I recommend seeing a pediatrician, so we can be sure there is a physical abnormality or not.
The solution
To see the cause of his psychic , we need to truly understand the events in detail CHAPTER child. For that, do the following:
1. Record the moment or the situation the child will have a bowel moment.
2. Note whether the child is in a state of tense and under pressure or comfortable and relaxed.
3. Note also the time that children need to CHAPTER because some children take a long time. So if anyone asks in a tone of urgency or pressure can make it no longer wants to BAB.
4. Note since the morning when the Chapter began to be like now. CHAPTER problems usually appear at age 2-3 years.
5. Make sure that this problem arises not with the aim that children could delay its obligation to go to school, or the avoidance of a particular child in the car pool, so not the way he did to receive the attention and keep you busy.
6. Giving children a quiet time for CHAPTER sometimes quite helpful. For example, after drinking water or milk and then he showered.
7. Try to give him enough time sitting on the toilet.
8. Ensure the pr ivacy and relaxed atmosphere for her. If this way does not work, it's good to see a doctor and psychologist mother so that problems can be better understood. (Source: Tabloid Mom & Kiddie)
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