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NOW Razib my son, aged 4 years 2 months. At the age of 2 years 8 months, he could not speak fluently. To train him to talk and socialize my Razib register to Play Group. Alhamdullilah eventually many vocabulary words that can Razib said.
But he's been running for 8 months of school strike. We also moved house. But I was wondering why he was afraid of every invited to the school. Apparently when the school Razib often beaten by his friends. He could not retaliate and just cried. It is making Razib fear and trauma every time invited to the school.
Razib Up to now not been able to communicate perfectly in accordance with the stages of his age. How to cope with such trauma? I'm afraid Razib will grow into a child minder and not confident.
Thank you. Irni Sya f, irni_17...
/> Fifi Febriani M. Psi of "Home Companion" explains Kids & Family Consultant that self-concept of children aged 4 years has begun to develop. Children begin to understand the feelings of himself and others. Children also begin to develop positive and negative feelings toward himself, began to understand the extent to which he valued and valuable. So, if not promptly treated, the trauma experienced by the child will cause him to grow into a child minder, not confident, and so on.
Do the following 5 things ...
1. Observing the events at school. In this case the necessary cooperation with the school. Because no matter how physical violence (beatings) should not happen and should be prevented should not be repeated.
2. Encourage children to talk about something related to school. Expected Mom to get information as to why he hit his friend.
3. Also tea ch the child how he should behave when there are friends who hit and what to do.
4. Awaken the passion to stay in school. Explain, school is a nice place, many things can be done and obtained from the school. This can be through the medium of stories, books, pictures and so on.
5. Dig the talents of children by knowing the advantages it has. Put him into activities that she likes for example drawing lessons, music, swimming and more. By mastering a particular skill, it is hoped his confidence grew, he felt that he was able, worthwhile.
Train with fun things
In order to facilitate speech , Moms could take him often to talk, telling stories, singing or other fun activities. With the better and fluent speaking ability, he certainly will be more easy to express thoughts, feelings and ideas he had. Also helped to socialize with peers plus improve his confidence.
If the child still refuses t o school, the school asked permission to accompany your child in school for a while so he feels comfortable with the school. (Source: Tabloid Mom & Kiddie)
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