Do not Resign for 7 Reasons It

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Thinking about work (Photo: Corbis)

IN to take the decision of resignation, not a few employees who do it for the wrong reasons. Before you decide to leave the company work now, make sure you have good reason for it.

In contrast to previous expectations, you may be "trapped" in companies that are less noticed the welfare of employees. Call it as irregular working hours, wages below the standard, or responsibilities that do not fit job description .

But before resigning, you should listen to these seven the wrong reasons, as reported by Health24 .


Congestion was a bitch. But when you are often blamed congestion when leaving and return to work, try changing the route or leave earlier and come home a little more tonight.

This way, you will feel more comfortable ride without the congestion. Or, should you start thinking of using alternative modes of transportation that are more highways to and from work.

Problem salary

When you feel the salary somewhat below the accepted standard, it could happen. But before that, check first the average income of other colleagues with the same position.

Excessive responsibility
/> If you feel the responsibility charged too big, it could be because you never learned to say "No". Good if you're a hard worker, but do not ever let yourself be "enslaved". Note the working hours applicable in the employment contract. If continuous overtime, something is wrong. Try talking with your boss.

Problems with co-workers
/> A classic, but it is rather difficult to avoid. Working with other people for 8 hours per day would affect morality. Especially if he's constantly interrupt your work, thereby disrupting the performance of other jobs. Instead, find a way so as not to annoy you personally.

There offer better
/> Never leave a job now when there is an offer elsewhere, because you do not get certainty. Do not until you actually lose both.

Want to start a business
/> Make sure you have prepared with a mature business. Imagine, like you've long been a teacher and know the ins and outs of the profession. When you decide on a home-based business, open a diner for example, you have to learn and consult further with those who are already experienced.

/> Each job have a certain level of boredom. That is why it is called work, not entertainment. If you arrive at a high level of boredom, it will certainly disturb you mentally. But, consider again. Could the new company will not be repeated boredom?

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