Internet & Phone Make Eating Habits Changed

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Use a cell phone (Photo: Corbis)
 IN outside the convenience offered by the internet and media technologies including smart phones, various gadgets is turned out to have an impact on a person's eating habits. Really?

Are you a user gadget ? If so, maybe you should be careful in its use. Because the use of gadgets overload can affect eating habits.

A new study explains how the media technologies including Internet and cell phones can alter a person's eating habits and their relationship with food, as reviewed Times of India.

Findings from the Rochester Institute of Technology showed that a person is more likely to eat while sitting at the computer rather than at the dinner table while enj oying social media as the main road to socialize until the surf looking for recipes.

"I'm trying to investigate how the explosion of new media can change the traditional thinking about eating a person and how effect gadgets can transform human interaction," said Madeline Varno, a senior communications major at RIT and the author of the study.

"Unlike their parents or grandparents, students do not see food as a central activity of itself, either for pleasure or communication. In fact, none of the respondents I interviewed have a dining table in her kitchen, "he explained.

Varno conduct extensive surveys to students at RIT, which assess how food is prepared and then eaten since, how students interact with others during the meal and how they attained their information about nutrition, food choices and recipes potential. It also assesses the importance of food in the social life of students.

"Eating is just one of severa l activities carried out at the same time with other activities. Generally they involve computers and mobile phones, including surfing the internet, communicate with friends through Facebook while doing homework, "he continued.

"This does not mean that they become less socialization. Instead they often interact with more people than those sitting in the dining room. It's just that their socialization methods are now connected directly to new media, "he added.

Varno also found that people are much more likely to ask their friends on Facebook or Twitter about the variety of information, including recipes and consult a variety of things.

"While some respondents expressed concern over the lack of information available in the world of online about the food. They also showed that the use of Facebook and Twitter to quickly validate the data, thus helping them be more informative when making the right choice, "he concluded Varno.

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